Jan. 25, 9:30 a.m to 2:30 pm
Dec. 7, 9 am. to 3 pm
Opening to Discernment in Times of Transition
From time to time, all of us arrive at thresholds, places of transition in our lives, passing from what has been familiar to the unknown on the other side of a doorway. Discernment always unfolds in such liminal places.
To reflect on discernment this day, we will ground ourselves in the encounter between Jesus and two disciples in John 1: 35-39, and some of the key words and images in that story. “What are you looking for?” “Where are you staying?” “Come and see.” We will ask questions about where we stand today, what doorways are beckoning us, and try to imagine what it might be like to walk into new and yet-unexplored rooms that are calling us.
The day will include three meditations, interspersed with time for silence, and opportunities for shared reflections and prayer. Lunch included.
Retreat Leader: The Rev. Dr. William Rich
Bill Rich is presently the Vicar of Trinity Episcopal Church, Copley Square. Trained as a spiritual director at Shalem in the 1980s, Bill himself has experienced how lively and life-giving transitions can be through crossing thresholds between parish ministry, college chaplaincy, seminary teaching, and interim ministry.
Registration required. Suggested fee: $50 includes lunch
Register here or by email or call 781-648-2433
Advent retreat: a cup in hand
A Day of Contemplative Reflection led by Gunilla Norris & Frank Pendola.
Something as simple as the cup we drink from every day can become for us a small, yet sacred too to guide us into contemplative reflection where self-care and self- offering can be equally lived in harmony and balance. Through guided exercises, discussion, dialogue, journaling, chant and periods of Centering Prayer we will find ways to be realigned allowing our souls to catch up with our bodies and our spirits to dwell in the depth of Love.
Bring your favorite cup and your longing to be more present and whole in your life.
Gunilla Norris is the author of eleven books on the spirituality of the everyday which include Inviting Silence, A Mystic Garden, Simple Ways, Embracing the Seasons, Companions on the Way, Great Love in Little Ways, and in 2020, Touched by Blessing. She has been a psychotherapist in private practice for more than 40 years and has felt privileged to accompany many people on their journeys to growth, healing and spiritual connectedness. gunillanorris.com
Frank Pendola is a husband, father and grandfather and a lifelong lover of song. He currently serves as music minister at St. Vincent de Paul and Our Lady of Victory parishes in Bradford and Ashaway RI. He has been an active member of The Holy Family community as a student of Centering Prayer and Christian Contemplative Practice and serves on the Servant and Leadership team of Contemplative Outreach of CT. Frank is involved in contemplative practice with friends from various faiths and denominations.
October 3
Textile artist Georgia Wostrel
Blessing the Journey
Bethany House of Prayer embarks on a journey of celebrating 20 years in ministry this year. As in many religious traditions and in Celtic spirituality, a blessing is invoked to shed light, vision, and wholeness for the way ahead. In October we began the year in a special service of prayer and blessing upon this year of celebration and visioning. We look forward to engaging your wisdom and curiosity in the coming months as we renew our ministry, listening, engaging in dialogue and prayer to learn about the future unfolding among us, guided by our shared life with the Sisters of St. Anne-Bethany, you our friends and we pray by and with the grace of God.