Our Board
The Rev. Dr. Katie Pakos Rimer, President
The Rev. Margaret Lias, Clerk
The Rev. Tammy Hobbs Miracky, Treasurer
Joseph A. Curro, Jr.
Kathleen Hirsch
Sharyn Jordan
John V. Kania
Suzanne Baratta Owayda
Anne Stetson
The Rev. Michael Thompson
The Rev. Elizabeth Williams
Sr. Ana Clara, OSA (ex officio)
A Search for Our New Executive Director is underway
Alice Killian, Office Manager and Retreat Coordinator
Leah Kyle, Assistant Treasurer
We affiliate with over 20 experienced colleagues with a range of backgrounds in group facilitation, contemplative practice, retreat leadership and spiritual direction.
Bernardine Ileto Chan, Spiritual Director, Retreat and Contemplative Prayer Leader
Dr. Aaron Daniels, Spiritual Director
The Rev. Anne Deneen, Spiritual Director, Retreat and Worship Leader
Suzanne Ehly, Retreat and Worship Leader
The Rev. Alden Flanders, Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader
Kathleen Hirsch, Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader and Writers’ Group Facilitator
Christi Humphrey, Spiritual Director, Contemplative Practice and Retreat Leader
Jim Meyer, Spiritual Director
Karen Montagno, Spiritual Director
The Rev. Susan Morrison, Spiritual Director and Retreat Leader
Helen Netos, Contemplative Prayer Leader, Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader
The Rev. Susan Richmond, Worship Leader and Celebrant, Contemplative Prayer and Retreat Leader
Heidi Stahl, Spiritual Director
The Rev. Catherine Venkatesh, Contemplative Prayer and Retreat Leader