Advent Retreat
9:00 AM09:00

Advent Retreat

Each Advent season we are invited to wait, watch, and wonder at the coming of Christ into our lives. In this retreat, we will take time to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus. There will be time for stillness; for listening to God’s call to us. Through meditation, prayer, and conversation we will seek nourishment, and exercise hope. The morning will conclude in the Chapel of St. Anne’s with a Contemplative Eucharist, gathering our hopes, dreams, and blessings of the day. Led by Bethany Colleagues: Bernardine Ileto Chan, Susan Richmond, Kimberly Green and Cathy Okuhysen. Suggested donation: $20-$40 sliding scale. Registration is required at or by calling the Bethany office (781) 648-2433.

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Poetry Reading & Book Signing with Steve Garnaas-Holmes
5:30 PM17:30

Poetry Reading & Book Signing with Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Join us for a summer evening celebration of poet Steve Garnaas-Holmes' new book, Unfolding Light

5:30-6:30 pm: Chapel, grounds, & labyrinth open for prayer/meditation

6:30-7:15 pm:  Steve's reading in the Chapel

7:15-8:00 pm:   Open House at St. Gabriel's House with refreshments and book-signing

Steve Garnaas-Holmes is a writer, composer, retired United Methodist minister, and walker-in-the-woods. He writes a daily reflection Unfolding Light. For 37 years he wrote and performed music and comedy in the Montana Logging and Ballet Co. He lives in Wells, Maine with his wife Beth. They have three grown sons.

He says: "Unfolding Light is a collection of 184 poems gathered from 45 years of writing. They are part of my practice of wonder. They include reflections on daily life, scripture passages, walking in the woods, contemplative prayer, the natural world, dogs, bees, and driving across Montana with a peach. They’re rooted in my observation that the world is a thin place, filled with mystery, the divine presence, tears of every kind, and abundant blessing."

Steve Garnaas-Holmes' presence and poetry have long blessed us at Bethany House of Prayer. Come enjoy his rich perspectives on faith, life and spirit.

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The Communion of Saints: A Morning of Recollection and Creative Gratitude
9:30 AM09:30

The Communion of Saints: A Morning of Recollection and Creative Gratitude

Those we have loved deeply become a part of us, and on All Saints we remember them.

Join us to explore and celebrate in recollection and creative exercises, our personal “Communion of Saints,” those individuals who supported us in our struggles and loved us into greater wholeness.  

Facilitated by Kathleen Hirsch, Bethany House Colleague and author of A Sabbath Life: One Woman’s Search for Wholeness.

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Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land
8:00 AM08:00

Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land

The Archbishop of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem, Hosam Nouem, has invited those who would like to do so to join him and his Diocese (which covers five countries) in a day of fasting and prayer on October 17th.  

Join us as we pray for the Peace of the Holy Land. The chapel will be open from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. You can offer prayers by lighting a candle, folding a paper crane, reading a book, or sitting in the quiet beautiful space with others who are offering their prayers.

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Plein Air Writing: A Practice of Presence
9:30 AM09:30

Plein Air Writing: A Practice of Presence

For a morning, dwell in the quieter space of nature’s beauty and tranquility. Writing in the close presence of nature is both an honored spiritual tradition and a literary one. We will begin our day with contemplative time in Saint John’s House. This will follow with a series of exercises in the garden. There will be ample time for private writing as well as for sharing.

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Writing Crawl #3
9:00 AM09:00

Writing Crawl #3

Join us at Bethany for a “writing crawl” this summer. Teacher, Spiritual Director and avid baker, Jim Meyer, will offer writing prompts as we move in and around the garden. There will be a low stress opportunity to share your work.

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Writing Crawl #2
9:00 AM09:00

Writing Crawl #2

Join us at Bethany for a “writing crawl” this summer. Teacher, Spiritual Director and avid baker, Jim Meyer, will offer writing prompts as we move in and around the garden. There will be a low stress opportunity to share your work.

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Writing Crawl #1
9:00 AM09:00

Writing Crawl #1

Join us at Bethany for a “writing crawl” this summer. Teacher, Spiritual Director and avid baker, Jim Meyer, will offer writing prompts as we move in and around the garden. There will be a low stress opportunity to share your work.

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Spring Poetry Day
3:00 PM15:00

Spring Poetry Day

  • Bethany House of Prayer - Saint Anne's Chapel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for a post-pandemic celebration of Bethany House of Prayer poets!       

Two groups of poets and writers have continued to work together since the start of the pandemic, meeting online and in person to read one another’s works, and support one another in their craft. This will be an opportunity for them to share their work and we are excited to have you celebrate with us. In addition, we will invite you to consider participating in a “plein air” poetry-making exercise, following our formal reading. 

Refreshments, and books by Bethany authors, new and old, will be available for sale at Saint Gabriel’s House following the reading.


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Epiphany Art Exhibit
to Feb 21

Epiphany Art Exhibit

  • Bethany House of Prayer (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

James He Qi's Mysteries of Joy artwork will be on exhibit in the Chapel of St. Anne-Bethany during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. Watch for additional Bethany offerings in Epiphany or contact us if you would like to visit the exhibit.

Image: Flight to Egypt by James He Qi. Used with permission:

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The Mysteries of Joy - An Advent Quiet Day
10:00 AM10:00

The Mysteries of Joy - An Advent Quiet Day

Contemplate the mystery of incarnation as we consider how we pray our way into and through the season in embodied ways. The vibrant artwork of James He Qi will anchor our exploration of the mysteries and invite us to consider them anew.

The Mysteries of Joy is one of many ways to pray the rosary, a prayer practice that is seeing a new following, as a tactile way to engage and quieten the body, mind and spirit. The Mysteries of Joy include the Annunciation, the Visitation, The Nativity, the Dedication of Jesus in the Temple and the Finding of Jesus Teaching in the Temple. Join us as we gather to hear and respond to God’s call to us in this Advent season. Image: Visitation by James He Qi. Used with permission:

$50 per person. Registration closes November 30. Contact us for scholarship requests.

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All Souls' Day Remembering - A Retreat with Bethany Director Dawna Wall
10:00 AM10:00

All Souls' Day Remembering - A Retreat with Bethany Director Dawna Wall

Share a quiet morning of reflection as we remember the cloud of witnesses whose love compasses us about, and explore the dimensions of joy and sorrow. There will be space for a variety of creative activities and engagement with the theme. Registration is limited, $25 per per person. Registration closes October 31.

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Love & Lament - Outdoor Worship with Lise Hildebrandt
3:00 PM15:00

Love & Lament - Outdoor Worship with Lise Hildebrandt

Move in word and body through lament for the brokenness of creation to affirming our continued place in creation and its healing. Expect scripture, prayers, silence, movement, laughter, and connection. Lise is an Episcopal priest, mother and grandmother, Arlington resident, and longtime creation care advocate. Freewill offering, RSVPs appreciated by September 7.

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Among the Trees - A Retreat with Bethany Director Dawna Wall
10:00 AM10:00

Among the Trees - A Retreat with Bethany Director Dawna Wall

Spend time at Bethany House and in the gardens as we explore the spirituality of trees in sacred texts and in our own stories. There will be time for reflection, meditation, and creative expression. Bring your journal, sketch book, needlework or walking shoes. Registration is limited, $25 per person. Registration closes September 7.

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Entering into the hope which calls you: Tending Easter and Pentecost in our lives now
to May 28

Entering into the hope which calls you: Tending Easter and Pentecost in our lives now

  • Bethany House of Prayer (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our lives and world are still experiencing the urgency of several pandemics and yet here in parts of the United States, elements of life shuttered are gradually opening. In this season of Eastertide, we hear the stories of Jesus appearing to those who knew him, and of his Ascension and of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate sent to come among us. Powerful stories and powerfully, life is stirring.

We have witnessed and experienced much this year in our lives, our communities, and our world. How is it changing us? How do you desire to live in light of all that you have witnessed? Maybe we are not unlike those early followers of Jesus. What is the hope that now calls to you, guides you?

Join us for two Friday mornings, May 21 and May 28, taking time to reflect, pray, and be aware with others of this significant moment of reentering life anew in Easter and Pentecost. Come, wonder and notice with “ the eyes of your heart enlightened, the hope to which you are called.”

 Bethany Colleagues will guide two morning contemplative offerings with meditations, silences, shared reflections and prayers.

 May 21: 10:30 – Noon EST (via Zoom) Led by The Rev. Anne Deneen, Helen Netos, The Rev. Cathy Venkatesh, and The Rev. Karen Montagno Morning retreat with visio divina and meditation as well as silence, shared reflections and prayer.

 May 28: 11:00 – Noon EST (via Zoom) Led by The Rev. Susan Richmond and Kimberly Cloutier Green Meditations, Silence, Shared Reflections and Prayer will guide our time.

Registration required online to receive the Zoom link. Register by May 19 or the Weds. before the Friday offering.

Suggested fee: $50 includes both or $30 for an individual morning Payment can be by check, made payable to Bethany House of Prayer and mailed or made online.

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Lenten Series on Pilgrimage
to Mar 19

Lenten Series on Pilgrimage

  • Bethany House of Prayer (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for an hour on four Friday Mornings: 11:00 AM - Noon EST
February 26, March 5, 12, & 19 (on zoom)
for a time of prayer, meditation, silence, & reflection

Pilgrimage has long been a customary Lenten practice— to enter with intention and a deep unknowing, on a journey to a holy site far away or the meandering pathways of our daily life.

Perhaps this year, we will not venture to sacred roads far off but to those close within and around us. Join us as we practice walking through these weeks of  Lenten fast and prayer, open to the mercy and transformation that pilgrimage yields, as we turn again toward the astonishment of Easter. 

Our series draws upon these principles from Ignatian practice:

Pilgrimage presents itself and we decide to go or stay     February 26
Meditation: Dr. Mary Meader 
Facilitation: Julia Slayton & The Rev. Karen Montagno

The pilgrim path never goes in a straight line March 5
Meditation: The Rev. Dr. Maureen Kemeza 
Facilitation: The Rev. Cathy Venkatesh

God uses our mistakes, our lack of knowledge, March 12
and our weaknesses along the way
Meditation: Kimberly Green  
Facilitation: The Rev. Susan Richmond

We learn by walking. March 19
Meditation:  Kathleen Hirsch  
Facilitation:  Christi Humphrey

 Solvitur ambulando—It will be solved in the walking.

Registration required by Feb. 24 or the Weds prior.
Suggested fee: $50 for the series or $15 for one individual date.
Register here and pay online or by mail:
To: Bethany House of Prayer, 181 Appleton St., Arlington, MA  02476



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4:00 PM16:00

Join us for Book Launch and Celebration of two books! (via Zoom)

Rose Gray with author Tansy Chapman
I’ll Be Here for You: Diary of a Town with author Robert McKean

Readings and Conversation moderated by authors,
Kathleen Hirsch and Kevin McIntosh

Tansy Chapman, a co-founder of Bethany House of Prayer, retired Episcopal Priest, spiritual director and writer, now lives in Mendocino, CA. 
“Those who grew up in the aftermath of WWII in England’s North Country will find Rose’s story ringing true, …readers who will accompany her on her journey will reap rewards that only good novels can give us, not least the challenge to revisit our own struggles towards self-understanding and emotional truth.” –Martin Smith, author and Episcopal priest.

 Robert McKean’s short story collection I'll Be Here for You: Diary of a Town, published in 2020, was awarded first-prize in the Tartts First Fiction competition. His novel, The Catalog of Crooked Thoughts, published in 2017, was awarded first-prize in the Methodist University Longleaf Press Novel Contest.
“A masterful assemblage of tales that illuminate life in a flagging American town.”  --Kirkus Review.

Register here by January 27 for a zoom link.

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