Walking the Labyrinth
– a Lenten Spiritual Exercise –
Bethany House of Prayer and the Chapel of St Anne invite you to register for a Lenten retreat: Walking the Labyrinth – a Lenten Spiritual Exercise. Rev. Susan Morrison and Marybeth Toomey will be leading the retreat. The retreat will be held on Saturday, April 5 th from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Participants will gather at 9:00 am at St. Gabriel’s House ( 181 Appleton St., Arlington) for a time of checking in, coffee, tea and hot cross buns.
The program will begin at 9:30 AM in the Side Chapel of the Chapel of St. Anne, Arlington. An introduction and history of the labyrinth and suggestions on how to walk the labyrinth will be shared. There will be time dedicated for participants to walk the labyrinth, enjoy a time of reflection, journal on their experience, or spend quiet time in the Chapel. Retreatants will gather back in the Side Chapel for a time of sharing their labyrinth experiences and joining in closing prayers before returning to St. Gabriel’s House for a light lunch of homemade soups, bread and dessert.
A suggested donation for the retreat is $50. or as you are able. The retreat will be limited to 15 participants. Please register below. Registrations close on April 1 st . Registrants will receive a confirmation with further details.
Questions? Please contact Marybeth Toomey at marybethtoomey@hotmail.com.
Register for the
Saturday, April 5th, 9 am - 1:30 pm
Lunch will be included
St. Gabriel's House, 173 Appleton Street, Arlington
Please complete the form below
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