A unique characteristic of many of offerings is that we value and provide collaborative leadership and facilitation.  We value and uphold gifts of diversity of all kinds in leadership. We seek to share that experience and encourage it in others given the enrichment and joy that comes in engaging the depth of experience and insights of one another.  We hope to be less personality driven and more reliant on the varieties of gifts and being spirit led to foster greater capacity and well-being in community life.



is a needed and welcome wellspring and restorative action by and for self and group integrity.

less is more

Make space and resist the urge to “fill” it.  We offer spaciousness in which to welcome the life of the spirit, a slower pace, a care for beauty and an ability to hold paradox.  These practices often engage us in ways that are quieter, deepening, respectful and renewing. 


As we witness deeper changes in ourselves or communities, we may let go of false ways that no longer serve in new landscapes or identities.  We may discover something about humility or self-emptying that leads us to encounter and value the work of transformation underway that leads to a more expansive story being told.

sacred all
around us

Practicing awe, gratitude, and wonder changes us.  Such practices nourish our spiritual life and help us notice when something is askew and align our witness to a sense of justice and dignity.  Contemplative practice is not for our own individual enlightenment but rather to help reveal the deep threads of connective life with creation and communities all around us, seeking the well-being of all.